Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week.”

Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week.”

Do whatever you think replenish your soul from over working.

Give yourself a break on a Sunday – watch your favorite movie, cook your favorite dish, or read a good book that you have no time to read during the weekdays. Do whatever makes you happy and you’ll see the great impact it has in lessening the stress.

Hug Your favorite sweetie.

Chelsea Stark Grand Teton National Park”

“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… It remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.”

— Aaron Siskind

 Chelsea Stark http:/

How To Be Confident | Animation School | Author Alain de Botton …

How To Be Confident | Animation School | Author Alain de Botton …
Video for Within this School of Life animation, philosopher and author Alain de Botton imparts some handy wisdom that may help you to become more confident. Read more of this post▶ 4:04
How To Be Confident Within this School of Life animation, philosopher and author Alain de Botton imparts …

A blind art photographer tells her story: part 4 taking pictures with reflex cameras & extra equipment — Photo Narrations

Dear hobby photographers, After giving a general overview about photographing with phones and compact cameras, I’ll take a big leap now and talk about reflex cameras also known as DSLR (single-lens reflex). Bridge-Cameras To be precise, there is another camera type called Bridge camera somewhere in between compact and reflex cameras, but I’d repeat myself […]

via A blind art photographer tells her story: part 4 taking pictures with reflex cameras & extra equipment — Photo Narrations

A blind art photographer tells her story: Part 5.2 Portrait Photography: General Tips — Photo Narrations

After reading about the different ways to categorize portraits, you may think you’ll have to learn all this by heart now, but the categories are only general guidelines and a great source of inspiration. Most of you already know some of the basics and do them right instinctively. Here are some more helpful tips for […]

via A blind art photographer tells her story: Part 5.2 Portrait Photography: General Tips — Photo Narrations

Happy Mother’s Day to my Mom

Went over to my mothers this week and dropped off her Mother’s Day present. She was so excited to open her present. Believe it or not this Image is one of her favorite photos. Here is a photo of the image hanging on her living room wall. She placed it where everyone could see it when they walk in. I am so happy she loved it. Thank you to Robert Park and Daniel from Nevada Art Printers for making my mom’s Mother’s Day present such a hit.


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